Thursday, March 12, 2009

New to me...

Wow.... do I really have a blog?

After so much convincing, I've actually succumbed to creating a blog! Michelle will be proud. She has been trying for months now... as well as getting me to post pictures on facebook. I guess I've been rebelling against all this internet "openness" and what-nots, but I'm doing this for you, Michelle! (as I'm sure you are the only one who will read these things!) hah

So, I don't really know what to write about on these things....

I have Bella sitting at my feet, begging me to come and play with her. So I really shouldn't "blog" for long. I am looking forward to the rest of my day... playing with Bella, cooking dinner, and then heading out to Bible study for a night of freedom!

Maybe after all the excitement I will have something interesting to say... until then, Michelle, I will be thinking of you and laughing inside! haha ;)